> I'd just like to point out that a thoroughly steeped solution of Keemum Fancy
> Tea works quite well as a tannic acid substitute.
> It's best if the blossoms have only been touched by virginal workers wearing
> silken gloves, too. Harvesting by full moon is optional.
Dan, this sounds verrrrry interesting, however .... ahem, once,
many moons ago, the first friend who truly traveled the world to see her
wonderful sites (sights) brought us back some Golden Flowering Orange
Pekoe, picked @ high altitude, at only special times and 'twas a rare tea
... but absolutely special. Maybe that which is plucked by young and sweet
hands, those which are of youth, naive yet knowledgable, virginal perhaps
but rather those corrupted not by sex but by love, is the rarest and most
special of teas. The moon, full, would indeed be beneficial to pulling
moisture into the wound so as to seal the pluckings.
I hope, that when we partake of the hot elixir of the steeping of such
flowers of nature, we all realize that the creator of the pluckers is a
mother and that few of them can afford to travel to our marvlous land.
Such beverages and their dregs can indee make excellent stains upon fine
papers coated w/azure images.
Sigh and eye type.