The most knowledgeable people (not to mention the best spellers) will be
turned off by continual repeats of basic questions, and their loss would
be a terrific loss to the list. At the same time, these persons (and you
know who you are) are missing a good deal of fun and information. Just
look at May 2, 1994, for instance -- as delightful a conversation between
thoughtful innovative photographers as I've read or heard.
And many many others, with descriptions of wonderful contrivances by
masters of wonderful almost-lost processes. Reading and formatting the
archive was a most laborious project. But it made me a better -- and smarter
-- person. And you too. Trust me.
I guess I should add that last year a comment of this order started a
flame war. Well, I'm not exactly flame-proof, but I do live in NYC,
where you can get flamed just crossing the street.... Anyway:
Freestyle Sales Co
5124 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90027
Toll Free: 800 292-6137
Toll Free Fax: 800 616-3686
Happy posting,