To all who are interested in the continuing saga of Buxton paper, I
am pleased to report that I have just received a fax from Jeremy
Youngs of John Purcell Paper. He is sending me samples of the Buxton
and Van Gelder Simili Japon along with a price list. He also says
that they commission the making of Buxton (which is handmade) in
quantities of at least 500 sheets. Basically this means that if we
could come up with a group order of at least 500 sheets, we could
obtain it through JPP. Smaller quantities are available through:
12 Valentine Place
London [I can't make out the postal code]
Fax: 0171-620-0129
Tel: 0171-620-0844
I will report back when I have received and tested the much
anticipated Buxton.
P.S. I'll be incommunicado for about a week.
Keith Schreiber
Center for Creative Photography
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
520-621-9444 FAX