1. Without slides the so-called "art world" would come to a screeching
halt. And a good thing, too, so that's a vote against slides.
2. Some work looks better in slides. The luminosity, the cohesion......So
that's a vote in favor of slides.
3. The first day of class I show a carousel of slides. When I began
teaching these came from books -- historic and contemporary. Over the
years they have been mostly supplanted by slides of my own students' work
-- not for legal or ethical reasons,in fact not planned -- just happened.
The last day of class I bring a roll or two of film and students leave
work for several hours while I make copy slides. Hope it never occurs to
them I'm violating their rights.
They enjoy seeing the work of their mates & predecessors, & I am able
to make didactic points. ("This was a one-coat gum," "the negative was
a waxed xerox.")
So that makes 2 arguments out of 3 PRO slides.