Re: Survey on darkroom safety, please respond

Ann-elizabeth Nash (nash@rsf.atd.ucar.EDU)
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 11:41:47 -0700 (MST)

> What follows is a survey I have designed as part of my masters
> thesis in safety engineering. I am an avid photographer and it is
> nice to do research in a field I enjoy. Please respond and return.
> It will make my life so much easier if I get good responses.
> This is also beingposted to photoforum and the newsgrou.
> This survey has been developed as part of graduate study
> in Safety Engineering at the University of Cincinnati by
> Howard Etkind. The results of the survey will be released
> after the acceptance of the paper by the University and after
> peer review. The survey results and the entire thesis will be
> made publicly available with the locations to be posted
> news group and the photoforum and
> alt-photo-process list servers.
> The goal of the survey and the thesis the survey supports is
> to qualitatively look at the safety and health (occupational
> safety and industrial hygiene) behavior of darkroom workers
> and print finishers. The range of activities of interest start
> with the exposed film ready for processing and end with the
> finished print ready for display or delivery.
> No attempt will be made to correlate individual names or
> organizations with an individual survey or the results of the
> surveys.
> If you would like a hard copy of this survey to complete,
> please send me your address, and I will send you as many
> copies of the survey as you would like with self addressed
> stamped envelopes. This survey may also be locally
> reproduced and distributed to other members of your
> organization or others who you feel may be good candidates
> to complete this survey.
> Please return this survey to
> If you would like to return the completed form by U.S. Mail
> (rather than e-mail), please mail to Howard Etkind, 8851
> Green Valley Court, West Chester, Ohio 45069.
> For any and all questions, please contact Howard Etkind at
>, or (513) 648-3158.
> 1. Demographics
> a. Age_32___
> b. Gender Male____ Female___xx__
> c. Education (check highest completed)
> Up to and including High School ____ Trade School___
> Some College ____ 2 yr degree ____ 4 yr degree____
> Masters Degree _MFA 1990___ Doctorate Degree____
> 2. Involvement in Photography
> a. What is your involvement with photography? (if more than one
> applies, please rank with 1 being your primary role and 2 being
> your secondary role)
> Professional____ Amateur___ Academic_1__
> Photojournalist___ Other(specify)_2 fine artists___
> b. Do you process or finish, to include developing, printing, toning,
> hand coloring or mounting photographic film and paper?
> yes__xxx___ no____
> if no, please skip to end of survey.
> c. How many hours a week do you spend in photographic
> processing or finishing?
> under 10___ 10 to 20_xxx___ 20 to 30____ 30 to 40 ____
> over 40____
> 3. Darkroom Activities
> a. Do you perform photographic processes that may be performed
> outside of a darkroom? (Dry mounting, toning, retouching,
> hand-coloring and similar activities) yes_xxx__ no____
> b. Do you work in a darkroom? yes_xxx__ no____
> (If no, skip following to question 3.f)
> c. How long have you been working in a darkroom years_15___
> d. Where is this darkroom located? (check all that apply)
> At home_xxx___ At your studio____ Company Facility____
> Rental____ Academic____ Other______
> 4. Do you perform or have you performed the following
> processes? (either currently or in the past five years)
> a. Develop black and white film? yes_xx__ no____
> b. Develop black and white paper? yes_xx__ no____
> c. Develop color with C-41/E-6 process? yes_xx__ no____
> d. Develop color with other color process? yes_xx__ no____
> e. Print color? yes_xx__ no____
> f. Retouch color prints/negatives? yes_xx__ no____
> g. Tone prints (ie: sepia, selenium, color)? yes_xx__ no____
> h. Retouch black and white prints/negatives? yes_xx__ no____
> I. Hand color prints? yes_xx__ no____
> 5. Darkroom/Studio Safety and Health Features:
> a. Does your darkroom/studio have a ventilation system to remove
> air contaminants? (if no, skip following question)
> yes___ no_xx___
> b. Do you feel that this ventilation is adequate to protect your
> health from long term effects of darkroom work?
> yes___ no____ not sure____
> c. Is the darkroom/studio equipped with ground fault circuit
> interrupter (GFCI) circuits? (if no, or don't know, skip next
> question)
> yes_xx__ no____ don't know____
> d. Are the GFCIs tested once a month for proper function?
> yes___ no_xx___ don't know____
> e. Is the flooring non-slip or are non-slip mats present?
> yes___ no____ don't know____
> f. Are the chemicals labeled in accordance with the OSHA right to
> know standard? (Hazard Communication Standard)
> yes_xx__ no____ don't know____
> g. Is separate storage available for incompatible chemicals?
> (such as acid stop bath concentrate and cyanide bleaches)
> yes_xx__ no____
> h. If your darkroom is located in the home, are the chemicals "child
> proofed" with respect to the age of the children present?
> yes___ no____ not applicable _xx_
> I. Is an eye wash or drench hose installed for eye or body washing
> after a chemical splash?
> yes___ no__xx__
> 6. Safety Issues
> a. Are you knowledgeable about the safety hazards of photographic
> chemicals and supplies?
> yes_xx__ required in MFA program to detail all chemicals
as well as how chemistry gets into coffee, cigarettes, etc. no____
> b. Are the manufacturer's material safety data sheets for the
> photographic chemicals available for you to read? (If no or don't
> know, skip following question)
> yes___ no_xx___ don't know____
> c. Have you read the manufacturer's material safety data sheets for
> the chemicals you use?
> yes_xx__ no____
> d. Would you know how to obtain the manufacturer's material safety
> data sheets if needed, either from your organization or externally?
> yes_xx__ no____
> e. Have you received training or education about safe dark room
> procedures? (If no, skip to question 6.g)
> yes_xx__ no____
> f. If yes, from whom? (check that apply)
> Academic_xx__ Trade school___ Company provided____
> On the job___ Self taught____ Seminar___
> Periodical___ Photographic text____
> g. Do you wear safety glasses or goggles while mixing chemicals?
> yes___ no_xx___
> h. When you use photographic solutions with the potential or
> intentional direct skin contact (i.e. hand immersion in developing
> trays) (check that apply)
> gloves___ tongs_xx__ barrier creme___ no hand protection___
> further, in workshop situations, students are not allowed to use hands even
if that is what they "leanred" for someone else!

> i. If you used gloves how did you select them?
> MSDS recommendation___ Ask someone(specify who)_______
> Wall chart___ Other(specify)_________
> j. Are you involved in a process that requires a respirator (toxic
> dust mask)? (if no, skip next question)
> yes___ no_xx___
> k. If a respirator is required, is a formal respirator safety
> program in place?
> yes___ no____ don't know____
> l. Are there any photographic operations you avoid performing due
> to the hazard of the operation or the chemicals?
> (if yes, please specify) yes _xx__ no ____
> I try to avoid all chemistry that is sold dry to reduce my expose to
inhalation when mixing.
> _____________________________________________________________________
> _____________________________________________________________________
> m. Do you feel safe in the darkroom and why?
> ____Yes. Because of my knowledge about the dangers of darkroom chemistry and because I purposely take breaks to allow my body to do its work in ridding, as
much as possible, the "crud". Frequency is a determinant in disease and
acquired allergies.________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> or why not? ___________________________________________
> _______________________________________________________
> n. Have you ever suffered ill effects from photographic operations?
> (if no, skip following question)
> yes___ no_xx___ don't know____
> o. If yes, please specify:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> p. Did you seek medical assistance for these ill effects?
> yes___ no____
> o. Did these ill effects cause a permanent change in your
> photographic work techniques or lifestyle?
> yes___ no____
> r. If this survey has raised questions about the safety and health
> aspects of photography, what actions could you take to answer
> these questions or to increase you knowledge about the hazards of
> photographic operations?
> __________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________
> When complete please return this survey Howard Etkind
> at e-mail
> or
> Howard Etkind
> 8851 Green Valley Ct.West Chester, Ohio, 45069

Howard, I did my MFA in Photo at Ohio University, undergrad in photo at RIT.
OU provided a much better overview of photo hazards than did RIT at the time
I attended. Good luck with your thesis,

Ann-Elizabeth Nash