a. Age_39___
b. Gender Male_X___ Female_____
c. Education (check highest completed)
Up to and including High School ____ Trade School___
Some College ____ 2 yr degree ____ 4 yr degree____
Masters Degree _X___ Doctorate Degree____
2. Involvement in Photography
a. What is your involvement with photography? (if more than one
applies, please rank with 1 being your primary role and 2 being
your secondary role)
Professional____ Amateur___ Academic_X__
Photojournalist___ Other(specify)_X___ artist
b. Do you process or finish, to include developing, printing, toning,
hand coloring or mounting photographic film and paper?
yes_X__ no____
if no, please skip to end of survey.
c. How many hours a week do you spend in photographic
processing or finishing?
under 10___ 10 to 20_X___ 20 to 30____ 30 to 40 ____
over 40____
3. Darkroom Activities
a. Do you perform photographic processes that may be performed
outside of a darkroom? (Dry mounting, toning, retouching,
hand-coloring and similar activities) yes_X__ no____
b. Do you work in a darkroom? yes_x__ no____ Question unclear, I work
in a darkroom, alot. But it is part of what I do.
(If no, skip following to question 3.f)
c. How long have you been working in a darkroom years_20+___
d. Where is this darkroom located? (check all that apply)
At home_x___ At your studio__x__ Company Facility____
Rental____ Academic____ Other______
4. Do you perform or have you performed the following
processes? (either currently or in the past five years)
a. Develop black and white film? yes_x__ no____
b. Develop black and white paper? yes_x__ no____
c. Develop color with C-41/E-6 process? yes_x__ no____
d. Develop color with other color process? yes_x__ no____
e. Print color? yes_x__ no____
f. Retouch color prints/negatives? yes_x__ no____
g. Tone prints (ie: sepia, selenium, color)? yes_x__ no____
h. Retouch black and white prints/negatives? yes_x__ no____
I. Hand color prints? yes___ no_x___
5. Darkroom/Studio Safety and Health Features:
a. Does your darkroom/studio have a ventilation system to remove
air contaminants? (if no, skip following question)
yes_x__ no____
b. Do you feel that this ventilation is adequate to protect your
health from long term effects of darkroom work?
yes_x__ no____ not sure____
c. Is the darkroom/studio equipped with ground fault circuit
interrupter (GFCI) circuits? (if no, or don't know, skip next
yes_x__ no____ don't know____
d. Are the GFCIs tested once a month for proper function?
yes___ no_x___ don't know____
e. Is the flooring non-slip or are non-slip mats present?
yes_x__ no____ don't know____
f. Are the chemicals labeled in accordance with the OSHA right to
know standard? (Hazard Communication Standard)
yes___ no____ don't know_x___
g. Is separate storage available for incompatible chemicals?
(such as acid stop bath concentrate and cyanide bleaches)
yes___ no_x___
h. If your darkroom is located in the home, are the chemicals "child
proofed" with respect to the age of the children present?
yes___ no____ not applicable X
I. Is an eye wash or drench hose installed for eye or body washing
after a chemical splash?
yes_x__ no____
6. Safety Issues
a. Are you knowledgeable about the safety hazards of photographic
chemicals and supplies?
yes_x__ no____
b. Are the manufacturer's material safety data sheets for the
photographic chemicals available for you to read? (If no or don't
know, skip following question)
yes_x__ no____ don't know____
c. Have you read the manufacturer's material safety data sheets for
the chemicals you use?
yes_x__ no____
d. Would you know how to obtain the manufacturer's material safety
data sheets if needed, either from your organization or externally?
yes_x__ no____
e. Have you received training or education about safe dark room
procedures? (If no, skip to question 6.g)
yes_x__ no____
f. If yes, from whom? (check that apply)
Academic_x__ Trade school___ Company provided____
On the job___ Self taught_x___ Seminar_x__
Periodical_x__ Photographic text__x__
g. Do you wear safety glasses or goggles while mixing chemicals?
yes_x__ no____
h. When you use photographic solutions with the potential or
intentional direct skin contact (i.e. hand immersion in developing
trays) (check that apply)
gloves___ tongs___ barrier creme___ no hand protection_x__
i. If you used gloves how did you select them?
MSDS recommendation___ Ask someone(specify who)_______
Wall chart___ Other(specify)_________
j. Are you involved in a process that requires a respirator (toxic
dust mask)? (if no, skip next question)
yes___ no_x___
k. If a respirator is required, is a formal respirator safety
program in place?
yes___ no____ don't know____
l. Are there any photographic operations you avoid performing due
to the hazard of the operation or the chemicals?
(if yes, please specify) yes _x__ no ____
Alternative process_that use mercury and iodine___________________________
m. Do you feel safe in the darkroom and why?
yes. My darkrooms are over ventilated, proper electric outlets_are in place____
and I make it a point to be cautious__________________________________________
or why not? ___________________________________________
n. Have you ever suffered ill effects from photographic operations?
(if no, skip following question)
yes___ no_X___ don't know____
o. If yes, please specify:
p. Did you seek medical assistance for these ill effects?
yes___ no____
o. Did these ill effects cause a permanent change in your
photographic work techniques or lifestyle?
yes___ no____
r. If this survey has raised questions about the safety and health
aspects of photography, what actions could you take to answer
these questions or to increase you knowledge about the hazards of
photographic operations?
When complete please return this survey Howard Etkind
at e-mail Etkindh@ucunix.san.uc.edu
Howard Etkind
8851 Green Valley Ct.West Chester, Ohio, 45069