Furnitures / libraries
Tue, 28 Nov 95 08:55:02 CET
Following your comments and your ideas, I notice that U all have access to
huge libraries, that U can find a lot of books concerning photography, that
any literature about photo process is available in any bookshop...
And this is the same for chemicals or any other materials coming in a
darkroom... Evidently you find it in the first store!
Well, this is not my case!
Do U know that it's even difficult to find a professional negative film at a
good price in Belgium? That a simple Nikon FM2 costs in Belgium something
about 1000US$! That paper like Ilford Multigrade IV costs more dans 45US$ for
a 50 pieces box of 24x30cm! That to get Kentmere paper I've got to phone in
England! That to read a book -else than one from Hedgecoe- I've got to go to
But, maybe I haven't got the good adresses or the good tips!?!?
Could one of U ***HELP*** me to find good retailers, libraries, pro labos,...
I know that most of U do not live in Belgium (nor in Europe)... But who
Thx U for helping me.