buxton, etc - it's here
Keith Schreiber (KEITH@ccp.arizona.edu)
Thu, 07 Dec 1995 19:06:27 -0700 (MST)
Well folks it's about 6 weeks since my last (and first) contact with
the elusive John Purcell Paper of London and today the promised
samples have arrived. Three small sheets of Buxton (about 9x12") and
also samples of Van Gelder Simili Japon in 100, 130, and 225 gsm. The
Buxton is very bright white, too much so for my taste, but the Simili
Japon is a beautiful creamy white with a very smooth surface. It also
has a sheet size of 64x96 cm (approx 25x38 in) which is a real plus
for me. I will test them over the next few days and report back next
week with the results. Stay tuned.
Keith Schreiber
Center for Creative Photography
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
520-621-9444 FAX