Re: 4-color carbon question

Luis Nadeau (
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 21:07:19 -0400

>I am working in 4-color carbon and am having trouble with the black (final
>transfer of a "single transfer" process) adhering to the magenta,
>particularly in the maximum density areas. It starts to wash off in clumps
>about half way through the washout. I can stop it by cutting the wash
>short. Is the gelatin of the black swelling too much, or is the Dmax
>magenta inhibiting adhesion?

Since I have no idea what kind of a carbon process you are talking about I
have the sneaky suspicion that there are two or three out there, possibly
four, who don't understand it either;-)

Is it a home-made process? A process described in a book? continuous tone? etc.

>Also, do the people on this list think there is a market for 4-color
>continuous-tone carbon prints?

There is a market for any process that is easier and/or cheaper than what
is available out there, screenless, stochastic, or contone, IMHO. I don't
see why anyone would need a four-color process with continuous tone seps as
super dense blacks, i.e., raised about 0.5mm above the surface of the paper
can be obtained with just three colors.

Luis Nadeau

>David E. Le Vine