>I missed the initial subscription information on this journal/
>newsletter. Would someone please send me the particulars?
The editor/publisher of The Alternative Photography Review is Keith Dugdale,
and the address is:-
1 Mabbotts Yard
TR18 2TD
tel +44 1736 330 200
There are four issues per year, 12 pp (no illustrations). The last issue of
Volume 1 (1995) has just been published and the subscription for this year
was 8 UKP - but the overseas rate was 14 UKP. As from Volume 2 No.1, the
Review will expand to 16 pp, but the subscription is going up to 10 UKP per
annum (overseas rate unspecified). The editor does seem to have some
difficulty dealing with overseas subscriptions.
As far as I know, this is the only voice of alternative photography in
print. Those of us who write for it do so unpaid, on the basis that it is
more blessed to give than to receive!
To succeed in this minority area, the APR needs a world-wide readership and
more contributions like Judy's gently persuasive polemic (8~}.
Please consider supporting it.