U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: "I'm protecting myself from receiving junk mail"

Re: "I'm protecting myself from receiving junk mail"

What was the "subject" line of the offending message?

-greg schmitz

On Fri, 25 Aug 2006, John C. wrote:

I second the motion.   I even answered his first email  request and should
have been taken off his blocked list yet still receive the annoying " I  am
only trying to protect myself  from junk messages"   I no longer reply of

John Cremati

----- Original Message -----
From: "Judy Seigel" <jseigel@panix.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 2:15 PM
Subject: "I'm protecting myself from receiving junk mail"

Today I receved a 17 K message including 6 or 8 "gif" files, whatever they
are (which for my telephone dialup system is LARGE) in response to some
info I supplied onlist to answer a query about Pellet's process. This was
from the kindness of my heart, because no one else seemed to answer, I had
a tad of info on the topic, and we are after all here to share. But now I
am directed to "click here" (which of course my terminal emulator on the
unix shell doesn't do, and if it did I wouldn't anyway) to protect a
person calling himself "John" from receiving junk mail.

To put not too fine a point on it, I consider that response a greater
affront than any "junk mail" I've received to date, and trust me, there
has been plenty (tho I always follow up on the ones promising to enlarge
my penis, and trust me-- HUGE!)

But it seems to me that anyone who subscribes to this list, and is bright
enough to benefit from its discourse, ought to be able to put mail from
the listserv on its "accept" list and not ask folks who take the trouble
to provide information (which I'm not at all certain "John" has done) to
cater to his delicate sensibilities in ways that, besides being a damn
nuisance, display a self-centered arrogance/ignorance I only cater to when
there's something in it for a worthy cause, world improvement, or myself.
To accede to this demand otherwise is simply to encourage a form of
narcissism that IMO doesn't even benefit the narcissist.

So I would respectfully suggest that other folks getting this message
similarly refrain. And perhaps Gord would make a comment on this practice
in his sign-up protocol. (Or I may have to fly to John's place on my
broomstick and REALLY put a hex on him.)

Meanwhile, FWIW, Panix has a generic spam filter signupable for on its
website that's extremely effective -- I used to get more than 50 spams a
day, but now rarely more than one or two.  But of course "John," delicate
soul, in the act of "protecting himself" from dread junk mail, protects
himself from this info too.

love and kisses,
