U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: HELP, HELP, HELP.....


What kind of computer are you trying to copy the images to?  What kind of
computer did you first use to format the disk?  There can be lots of
compatibility issues between the Windows file system (NTFS) and Mac's
(HFS+), so that's one possible cause.

Chances are the data's still there, so don't panic yet.  Please post the
entire history (or as much as you can) of the disk and its use, whether it
was PC, Mac, etc.

Camden Hardy


On Tue, September 5, 2006 12:17 pm, Jusdado wrote:
> Hello to all:
> After 12 days of trip for Europe and to make hundred of pictures with my
> camera FUJI S-3 PRO, every night he/she kept them in a hard disk unit
> EPSON P-2000. Until almost to complete the capacity of the disk 40 Gb.
> The takings are made in file RAW of Fuji S-3 pro, I see that they are in
> Epson P2000, they occupy space in the hard disk, but when I want to pass
> them to my computer, he/she tells me that there are not files none in
> the Epson P2000.   Have I lost all my work?  As I can recover it?.
> He/she would thank them largely their help. Pardon for my English, text
> translated by computer.