U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Pablo Picasso's sculptures got x-rayed

Re: Pablo Picasso's sculptures got x-rayed

On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 12:16:30 -0600 (MDT), "Camden Hardy"
<camden@hardyphotography.net> said:

> I wonder if our "free" university health service would do something like
> that...

Free?? It should cost $600-800 per semester... no?

I bet you get better luck at a French university for this... at least
until Nick Sarkozy becomes the president. Also you should consider
obtaining hardyradiography.net domain...

Seriously, if Polaroid made (or makes??) an x-ray film like type 55, and
if you have a dentist buddy (to get a small but strong x-ray source) you
could do x-ray radiogram of some sort... Keep a good head and always
carry x-ray films... (and don't forget sodium sulfite solution in a