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RE: Another vellum question

Hi Camden,

It's odd that you asked this question today since last night I tested Clear
Print 1000 vellum. Unfortunately, it seems to be nearly opaque to UV light. 

A one hour exposure only produced minimal density with traditional
cyanotype. Perhaps a more powerful UV source would work more effectively.

I was interested in using Clear Print since negatives printed on it have a
large dot gain producing a very soft looking image.

It does make an interesting inkjet print though, used with a RIP for B&W
printing or just color using the printer driver might yield a unique look.


-----Original Message-----
From: Camden Hardy [mailto:camden@hardyphotography.net] 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 3:05 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Another vellum question

While we're on the topic of vellum, I too have a question (I didn't want
to hijack Sandy's post, so I'm starting a new thread).

How about a high quality vellum that would make a good digital negative
substrate?  I'm looking for something that prints well on an inkjet
printer, but is transparent enough to act as a negative.

Camden Hardy
