U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Silvi's up coming exhibiton

Re: Silvi's up coming exhibiton

Hey Dan, Nice to hear from you. The mail man still scoots around on the same bike! Not much changes around here...

For the benefit of those who don't know about the exhibition - go to:


The exhibition will highlight five artist working with alternative processes - Photogravure, Gum, Cyanotype, Bromoil and Polaroid transfers.

If you are anywhere near Victoria, Australia - we would love to see you at the opening!

Finally got those digi negs working a treat for the photogravures. I'm using the Agfa Copyjet with my Epson 2400, via a profiled advanced B/W workflow. Still refer to all your useful information and so are others who benefited from your insights last year.


On 3 Oct 2006, at 12:24 AM, Dan Burkholder wrote:

Last year I was privileged to work with Silvi during a couple of
workshops in Australia. Her Photogravure prints are stunning! She's the
perfect example of an artist who instinctively knows how to blend
subject with process. I just wish I had a travel budget that would let
me attend her upcoming show to see her newest work.

Plus, Silvi's mail is delivered by a man riding a Honda Trail 110 just
like the 25 year-old model living in my garage. ;^)

Go get 'em Silvi!



Silvi Glattauer
0417 377 962