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RE: Paper Hunt for kallitype

Hi Loris, Sandy

On balance it looks like cot-320 is the better bet. By the time I import some whacky paper from Bushville the cost of transport plus import duty would be higher than the Berrger product..

Thanks for your time,

David H

On Oct 3 2006, Loris Medici wrote:

Hi David. Why not trying Bergger Cot320? I get quite nice results with
Kallitype on that paper...


Do you find this as expensive as Arches Platine and/or Buxton?



From: davidhatton@totalise.co.uk [mailto:davidhatton@totalise.co.uk]
Sent: 02 Ekim 2006 Pazartesi 19:45
To: alt-photo-process-L@sask.usask.ca
Subject: Paper Hunt for kallitype


Can any Kallitypist out there recommend a paper for kallitype? Has anyone
tried lennox 100, which is very cheap but 100 percent cotton, neutral PH?
Believe it or not I find it virtually impossible to buy inexpensive paper in
Europe or the UK. Arches platine or Buxton I know about and can get but the
price is prohibitive. Any ideas??

Thaks again

David H