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Re: Ink color for digital negs

The list is slow on the weekend--probably everyone out having fun in the sun before winter comes, in the northern hemisphere at least. I'm sure when Dan checks in he'll give you the right answer.

Until then, was it the 1280 that required that combination of ink colors? I remember Dan showing us this at an APIS years ago--1999 I think. In any case, I think Dan would say that the ink in the 2200 is dense enough not to warrant the colorized neg, but before I speak for him, check out his website at danburkholder.com and you'll get the answers you need (plus a whole lot more).

Christina Z. Anderson
Assistant Professor
Montana State University
Bozeman Montana

----- Original Message ----- From: "Warren Wilson" <warrenwilson@earthlink.net>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: Ink color for digital negs

 Are there various recommended ink color combinations for
printing enlarge digital negatives on Pictorico OHP? I remember
reading somewhere sometime maybe from Dan Burkholder
about the best combination of orange/red. I'm using an
Epson 2200 printer.


Warren Wilson
Bainbridge Island