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RE: Ink color for digital negs


That's something that will vary depending on the printer model.  However,
there's a small chart at http://www.inkjetart.com/news/ink_consume/ that
compares the ink consumption of a few Epson printers.

The chart as detailed as one would hope, but there's enough there to
figure out the cost of a print.

Camden Hardy


On Thu, October 12, 2006 10:25 am, Keith Gerling wrote:
> It's been years since I've printed digital negs and I don't even own an
> Epson.  Can anyone provide a rough estimate of what the ink cost would be
> for an 8"x10" negative?  Black ink only.
> thanks!
> Keith
> ... On the other hand when printing negatives for gum I use "print black
> ink
> only" option. Chris has pointed me that way. Actually for gum I use cheap
> transparency and with black ink only there is little problem with printer
> marks and drying ...