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Re: Ink color for digital negs

On 12 okt 2006, at 16:40, Camden Hardy wrote:


That's something that will vary depending on the printer model. However,
there's a small chart at http://www.inkjetart.com/news/ink_consume/ that
compares the ink consumption of a few Epson printers.

If you buy a bottle of Ebony black Pigment ink and a syringe with the right stuff at www.inksupply.com , it is very cheap; for about 20 USDollars you can at least fill 10 times a cartridge. Do not go for the spongeless cartridges, it is a mess. Just refill your empty ones and buy the chip-resetter. Look at their site and if you need some help just ask, I am doing it already for years now.
