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Re: what paper negatives ?

Sorry , here is the correct link :

There is a lot of 'alt' : the (brom)oil exhibition is the second one in the list, after 'Stereo Daguerreotypes'.
To jump to my samples directly:


On 13 okt 2006, at 20:56, Venkatram Iyer wrote:

Don and Henk,
I could not access your respective sites.
However, <www.thijs-foto.com> is accessible.
Details of the paper you used would be helpful.

The paper for the oilprints is Fabriano no 5 , the 350 grs one; the paper for the negative :
Simili Japon 130 grs , for the formats up to 30x 50 cm on my Epson 1290 with (Ebony) black only printing.
Larger oilprints : negatives printed on the 'poster-printer-on-the-corner' , the 50x75 cm about 9 Euro (~10 USDolllar) ; they told me it is Fuji-color-paper. No 'logo' printed on the backside like Kodak or Agfa paper, that is the reason why.
No waxing possible, print-times about 5 times compared to transparent negs. No curves, just by experience :-)
