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OT question and Hello

As a new member to this list I would like to greet everyone. I have been enjoying the debates and found them useful. I am currently embarked on a little project which is all about my partners' small farm - a one man outfit and probably a fast disappearing way of life. I am using a mixture if LF cameras as well as medium format and use enlarged negatives made on Ortho film for the salt prints that I am making.
I would like to make some images of my partner going about his work, so will use MF, and would like to achieve for some of them an 'anamorphic' look that I have seen elsewhere. It is not just that the image is out of focus, but that it takes on a strange shape. I nearly achieves this in one image where he was walking away and was in the background of a shot. Is this the way it is done, can anyone tell me? I would like to have a fairly extreme example of this - a suggested shape in the landscape to counter balance the more prosaic shots I already have - I would be so grateful for any advice.
With all good wishes,
Brightlingsea. UK
PS have been having mottling problems with my salt prints with high humidity and temperatures, so it is obviously not confined to Gum!