Chemical reaction! Could be, like putting
silverware next to stainless steel cutlery in the dishwasher...exacto blade
(stainless), VDB (silverware)...ROTFL I'll let you know. Thanks
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 3:28
Subject: Re: Exacto Blade Not
If there's anything that would be the chemical reaction between
the blade and sensitizer, or multiple light scattering under the
If you do "sham exposure" that is to place the blade on
sensitized paper for 8 minutes WITHOUT any exposure and then process,
you'll know.
On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 15:09:13 -0500, "Michael
Koch-Schulte" <> said: > I set up
what I thought might be a test of how well my prints were >
clearing > I included an opaque object at the edge of a test print -- an
exacto > blade > to be more precise. Strangely, the dense parts of
my stepwedge cleared > fine > but the exacto blade left a fair
amount of stain behind -- like a 5 per > cent > grey. So the
question is, why? This was a VDB print shot for 8 minutes on >
flourescent tubes. Like I said the dense areas of my stepwedge are
paper > white. Does metal pick up and emit UV from within? Second
question, > what's > the best method for determining if a VDB has
been cleared properly? Thx. > >
~m >