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Re: Exacto Blade Not Clearing?

I've had VDB fog on my when dried with a hair dryer, so heat is a
possibility.  Although I'm not sure that UV light bulbs would generate
enough heat to cause a whole lot of (noticible) fog...

Camden Hardy


On Thu, October 26, 2006 6:31 pm, Michael Koch-Schulte wrote:
> Nope. Didn't happen without the UV light turned on. I'm thinking the steel
> got hot enough to cause some reaction on the paper. Hmm.
> ~m
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Ryuji Suzuki
>   To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
>   Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 3:28 PM
>   Subject: Re: Exacto Blade Not Clearing?
>   If there's anything that would be the chemical reaction between the
>   blade and sensitizer, or multiple light scattering under the blade.
>   If you do "sham exposure" that is to place the blade on sensitized paper
>   for 8 minutes WITHOUT any exposure and then process, you'll know.
>   On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 15:09:13 -0500, "Michael Koch-Schulte"
>   <mkochsch@shaw.ca> said:
>   > I set up what I thought might be a test of how well my prints were
>   > clearing
>   > I included an opaque object at the edge of a test print -- an exacto
>   > blade
>   > to be more precise. Strangely, the dense parts of my stepwedge cleared
>   > fine
>   > but the exacto blade left a fair amount of stain behind -- like a 5
> per
>   > cent
>   > grey. So the question is, why? This was a VDB print shot for 8 minutes
> on
>   > flourescent tubes. Like I said the dense areas of my stepwedge are
> paper
>   > white. Does metal pick up and emit UV from within? Second question,
>   > what's
>   > the best method for determining if a VDB has been cleared properly?
> Thx.
>   >
>   > ~m
>   >