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Re: Cyanotype on papyrus


Very nice first attempt.  I've taken on several other projects since my
initial papyrus adventures and haven't really thought about it since. 
You've inspired me to keep going with my pt/pd on papyrus project.

I know exactly what you mean about the wrinkling; I have the same
troubles.  It took me a while, but I finally found that it's a delicate
balance of pressing and air drying that works the best.

My papyrus streched like a mofo when wet...does yours do the same thing? 
Anyway, if I let the print dry completely in a press, the never compressed
back to its original size, which drastically reduced my dmax.  So, I ended
up letting the print air dry for about an hour, then pressed it overnight,
then air dried for a half hour, then pressed until fully dry.  Something
to try if you're feeling ambitious next time...

Thanks for sharing,

Camden Hardy


On Thu, October 26, 2006 6:40 pm, Doug Wade wrote:
> I was inspired by the earlier papyrus  thread to try this.  Here's my
> first full sized attempt (8x10 negative)
> http://www.san-francisco-nudes.com/blogpics/cyopap2.jpg
> It went smoothly.  The only issue is that I dried it in a blotter book
> with some heavy books on top of it and found it very flat and just a
> bit limp in the morning so I let it dry the rest of the way on its own
> - mistake - it crinkled a bit and further pressing doesn't seem to
> have improved it.  I guess I can wet it again, but in any case next
> time I'll leave it until it's totally dry.
> Anyway, nothing really to add to the earlier discussion technique-wise
> but it seemed polite to show the results. :-)
> Doug