U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Banding on Pictorico with Epson 2200

RE: Banding on Pictorico with Epson 2200


> But, it must be a media problem
> since I can print the same negative on paper with no sign of banding.
> For gum you might want to consider printing on paper for your
> negatives.

Interesting.  It makes sense (in a weird sort of way) that the banding
doesn't occur on paper, since it's not a problem you normally see in a
digital print.

Maybe that's the answer to the venetian blinds though...paper negatives!  :)

I'm reluctant to conclude it's a media problem, although it's obviously
affected by the media.  I'm curious if anyone's had these banding problems
with different OHP substrates (other than Pictorico).  Anyone?

Camden Hardy
