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Re: Banding on Pictorico with Epson 2200

Title: Re: Banding on Pictorico with Epson 2200


Do you know of anyone making good digial negatives with the R1800. I bought one of these printers a year or so ago but returned it because, 1) the pigmented set produced low transmission density in UV in the green, and 2) it caused pizza wheel marks on the OHP materials. Otherwise, the image was very smooth and sharpt, noticeably more so than with the 2200.


At 2:00 AM -0500 10/31/06, Ender100@aol.com wrote:
You are unlikely to see it (Venetian Blinds) in a regular inkjet print because it is so subtle and occurs in the shadows of the inkjet print...however, it's those shadows of the inkjet negative that make the highlights of a PT/PD print and there they rig their ugly head. Less so with the R2400 than the 2200 and non-existent on the R1800.

Mark Nelson
Precision Digital Negatives

In a message dated 10/30/06 7:12:29 PM, camden@hardyphotography.net writes:

> But, it must be a media problem
> since I can print the same negative on paper with no sign of banding.
> For gum you might want to consider printing on paper for your
> negatives.

Interesting.  It makes sense (in a weird sort of way) that the banding
doesn't occur on paper, since it's not a problem you normally see in a
digital print.

Maybe that's the answer to the venetian blinds though...paper negatives!  :)

I'm reluctant to conclude it's a media problem, although it's obviously
affected by the media.  I'm curious if anyone's had these banding problems
with different OHP substrates (other than Pictorico).  Anyone?

Camden Hardy