Re: Banding on Pictorico with Epson 2200
Hi Camden, Epson will immediately tell you that it is not an issue for them because: The Top Ten Reasons Epson Won't Fix Venetian Blinds 1. You are probably not using Epson Film to print on. 2. The printer was never intended to make digital negatives. 3. Hey, who looks into the shadows. 4. It's a "Known Feature" 5. Keep trying to make a print without them—it boosts ink sales. 6. Bet you can't do that with a Cannon! 7. You probably have a dead mouse in your print head. 8. Your media probably has bands. 9. We have a new model coming out next week—it uses the new K666 inks. 10. Why make old fashioned prints like that anyway—it's the digital age! In a message dated 10/31/06 7:27:17 AM, writes: I'm wondering if the paper absorbs some of the ink and somehow dithers the banding away. Who knows. Mark, have you heard anything from Epson yet about this, or are they still telling you it's not their problem? Camden Hardy camden[at]hardyphotography[dot]net Mark Nelson Precision Digital Negatives