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RE: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt

Hi Sandy,

I leave the paper face up for 5 minutes after coating (it stays on the
coating station - a glass levelled with modeling clay on every corner) then
I tack it to the wall (bending it - leaving around 1.5-2" space between the
middle of the paper and the wall) and blow cold air at a 45 degrees angle
(so that air can circulate both on the front and back of the paper) for 10

I don't think leaving the paper face down and/of blowing air right after
coating (w/o waiting) is a good idea.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy King [mailto:sanking@clemson.edu] 
Sent: 10 Kasım 2006 Cuma 22:18
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: RE: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt


I coat with a Richeson brush, about 2ml per 8X10 print or the equivalent.
After brushing the solution on I leave it face down with a fan blowing cool
air at room temp over the print, then I hang to dry. Typically with DOP
Pt./Pd. I print within 15-20 minutes of coating.


At 8:35 AM +0200 11/10/06, Loris Medici wrote:
>Hi Sandy,
>What is your coating / drying procedure?