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Re: Alternatives at Rochester Re: George Eastman House grant

big snip>
Betty Hahn, first star of revival of gum printing in the new generation,
learned it in the midwest, as Indiana University student of Henry Holmes Smith (interview with Hahn in P-F #8 tells more -- and Jack Brubaker, who knew HH Smith later, might have more current info.) Hahn ultimately taught at RIT, then New Mexico, hired by Van Deren Coke.)
VSW had a wonderful collection (I remember especially Alicia Welles' solarizations) and marvelous library... Place was run for years by Joan Lyons, also a book artist & terrific printmaker, and/or her husband Nathan Lyons, critic, photographer (Notations in Passing,et al.). A workshop I took with Lyons probably left its mark more than any other-- what he said was so wonderfully against the conventional "wisdom" of that very long ago time.

Well, now, after several of you recommended the VSW, I am just going to have to go there!
Judy, I may have to pick your brain in the coming months--who practiced gum when--and it is a lot easier to find that for the 1850's-1920 because of the wonderful records of the BJP and books written, which usually mention the names of the greats. But I'm very interested in the forerunners of alt during the late 60's early 70's. I know Betty Hahn is in there, as is Bea Nettles. Todd Walker did gum, but it seems solarization and silkscreen are what I see of his work nowadays. But who else who did not get such public acclaim who was working hard at the process?? When did you start doing gum? Those kinds of things. I am interested in the continuum of gum from its inception, and these pockets of "blips" on the gum screen.