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Re: Alternatives at Rochester Re: George Eastman House grant

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>

big snip

> Judy, I may have to pick your brain in the coming months--who practiced
> when--and it is a lot easier to find that for the 1850's-1920 because of
> wonderful records of the BJP and books written, which usually mention the
> names of the greats.  But I'm very interested in the forerunners of alt
> during the late 60's early 70's.  I know Betty Hahn is in there, as is Bea
> Nettles.  Todd Walker did gum, but it seems solarization and silkscreen
> what I see of his work nowadays.  But who else who did not get such public
> acclaim who was working hard at the process??  When did you start doing
> Those kinds of things. I am interested in the continuum of gum from its
> inception, and these pockets of "blips" on the gum screen.
> Chris


I learned gum at VSW (for a whole week) in 1977, I think it was. I do
remember quite clearly that Deborah Flynn  taught the workshop. She had
published a great little book on gum too. Very sadly, a couple of years
later, one of my students felt that Deborah's book was of more use to them
than to me and relieved me of it - permanently.
Deborah Flynn may well have been at VSW throughout the 70's. I have never
come across her work, but then I dont live in the USA.

Have a great time in Rochester!

cheers Catherine