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Re: Sarah's Manual

Hi Judy,

I do appreciate your clarification and suggestion. I referred to your PF#9 article and contacted Sarah. She responded promptly and will ship me the latest one.

Briefly, the confusion was caused by the editions that appear on Amazon.com, the year of printing they show, and the discrepancy in prices. The book on Malin's site does not display the year of publication.

Best wishes, Rajul

On 19-Nov-06, at 12:43 AM, Judy Seigel wrote:

On Thu, 16 Nov 2006, Venkatram Iyer wrote:


Will the extended version of Sarah Van Keuren's manual, which you say is upcoming in Photo Review, a new edition of the the earlier publication?
I would like to acquire a copy and would like to get her latest.
 Malen is selling it from her website... what could be easier !
