U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: podcast

Re: podcast

I agree that audio podcasts of a technical nature provide little above 
and beyond what the written word can do. On the other hand, for 
interview and artistic discussion events, it can be very nice to hear 
the actual voices, much like "live" radio shows from years back. I'm 
actually part of an audio podcast that's being "taped" today.

Conference podcasts are better because you have a number of selected 
individuals talking and sharing comments and ideas. This type of 
exchange, even though technical, would be better than digging through 
multiple email postings.

As for rendering the list redundant, the casual pick-and-choose nature 
of the list should always have a following for threads that don't merit 
the energy required with producing a podcast.

Video podcasts are terrific for getting across technique. Though the 
name suggests they are made just for iPods (and the newest ones at 
that), you can view them on any computer if you'd like.

The newest downloadable movies for iPods are higher resolution (480x600) 
than the older 240x320 versions. I'm not sure if podcasts proper are 
formatted to the higher res or not.

Just my $0.02.


Judy Seigel wrote on 11/20/06, 11:35 PM:

 > plus, wouldn't it obviate the list, at least for folks
 > who don't keep obsolete (ie, older than 6 months) equipment?
