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Re: Dry mounting gum prints

I drymount all of mine and never have a problem with the press ruining my gums, even when I did a test one time and heated it up over 250 and left the gum in for a while. You could always practice this on a throwaway and prove me right or wrong, but oh yeah, I remember, you don't have any throwaway gums, do you :) heheheheh

I curious if anyone ever dry mounts their gum prints? I'm going to give it a
go shortly but I'm wondering what effect the heat from the dry mount press
will have on the hardened emulsion.
I know that Keith Taylor dry mounts his paper to aluminum sheets to maintain
dimensionally stability to insure registration for large tri-color prints.
But I believe he uses Seal Fusion tissue (a lower temp tissue) so that the
paper can be reheated to release it from the aluminum when the printing is
finished. My press will be set to about 180F.
Don Bryant