Re: Buying a Richardson brush...
OK OK, my last post of the day so y'all don't accuse me of being obsessive compulsive: Henry, I just looked at my brushes and you are right--UK. Now, the weird thing is this: I have 4 Richesons, two 1" and two 1 1/2" 7010 Stephen Quiller Series. The handles look like they are plastic, but, in fact, are coated wood. One of my brushes has flaked and peeled mercilesssly (into my coating solutions!) and is a wreck. Someone on the list said about this issue, then keep it out of water. I use all 4 brushes the same way, and only this one has flaked. So I just wanted to warn you that you may want to coat it or some such thing to prevent this from happening. I could have just gotten one defective brush, of course, but I have used brushes all my life and not seen this bad of a problem. The handle also fell out of the ferrule and I had to glue it back. BUT it doesn't shed, at least! All that said, the brush will pay for itself in probably 30 or 40 8x10's... Chris Friends,