U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Karen Quinn

Re: Karen Quinn

On Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:07:39 -0600, you wrote:

>It does not appear to be a mail loop - but rather a really poorly implemented 
>vacation routine within Entourage.

Exactly. Any decent Exchange config would have sent only one message
to a single address until the user returned from vacation. Obviously
it's not the users fault but rather her network/IT department !

                           John S. Douglas
                  Photographer & Webmaster
   Legacy-photo.com  - Xs750.net - Picknparlor.net
             Wartracebaptist.org - Wartrace.net

  • References:
    • Karen Quinn
      • From: "Gordon J. Holtslander" <gordon.holtslander@usask.ca>