U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Karen Quinn

Karen Quinn


My apologies to everyone.  I have unsubscribed karen Quinn's email address.

It looks like she set up a vacation reply on her Microsoft Entourage program, 
which then proceeded to send an automated reply to all the messages she had 
saved, or not yet downloaded.

I've contacted our systems people to see if this can be prevented.

It does not appear to be a mail loop - but rather a really poorly implemented 
vacation routine within Entourage.

I'm trying to see if we can set up something to filter our obvious vacation 

List Manager
Gordon J. Holtslander		Dept. of Biology
gordon.holtslander@usask.ca	University of Saskatchewan
Tel 306 966-4433		112 Science Place
Fax 306 966-4462		Saskatoon SK., CANADA
homepage.usask.ca~gjh289		S7N 5E2