Re: clearing dichromate stain
I do not address these remarks to Chris or Katharine, who seem to know more than I do on the topic... but to newbie or would be or wannabe or otherwise incipient or not-yet-confident gum printers: I recently had occasion to sort through boxes and drawers of gum prints, probably 100, if not more. None, NOT ONE, showed dichromate stain, and NONE, not one, had been "cleared" in anything but plain water development. I have on a few long-ago occasions used the clearing baths under discussion (except alum), more or less interchangeably, depending on what was at hand. But that was for rare dire conditions -- as when I'd waited too long to expose in hot humid summer weather, & got heavy yellow haze over the entire print. (Later I decided I liked the effect & tried, but failed, to replicate it.) love & kisses, Judy ========================================================================= Read My T-Shirt for President: A True History of the Political Front _ and Back >< ........................................................................ A reader writes: "I'd recommend it for a Pulitzer Prize, except I lack the credentials."