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Re: Damn, why do I stay subscribed to this list????

On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, William Barnett-Lewis wrote:

Yo, children. Grow up.

Sheesh. Several of you have inter sting things to say outside the
inordinate amounts of stupidity that exists on this list. Try sticking
to what you actually know. I realize that this is a lost cause but
hell, the man from la mancha had less to wade through than the cr*p on
this list...

No, I don't give a rat's ass about what _you_ think. All responses
will be ignored as I've yet to see any post on this list that is
_really_ worth responding to...(yeah, I may have in the past. So? "i
contradict myself" )

Don't you just love it when a lurker explodes about his suffering from the stupidity on this list..? And does it so cleverly... with literary references ! So, William, tell us more about how stupid we are and the exquisite pain of your superior sensibility.



On 1/7/07, Judy Seigel <jseigel@panix.com> wrote:
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, Camden Hardy wrote:
(this is hardly the worst exchange, just handy. )
Live like you will never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance
like no-one is watching.
				Alex White