U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: Eric's Spray Booth Expertise

RE: Eric's Spray Booth Expertise


Don, Does that mean it would take you a few weeks to build or you'll have
time in a couple of weeks? This as well as about thirty other Alt Photo
message was identified as Spam by SBC/Yahoo mail. $^%$%(*&#&^*  pisses me
off. I have told them, posted the Alt Photo as good, email support, blah,
blah blah....    

Eric, my comment was intended to be tongue in cheek. I suspect that I could
build the spray booth in an afternoon. What I should have wrote is that the
spray booth looks like a simple and effective idea. I wouldn't have thought
about the peg board. How do you attach the print to keep it from blowing off
when spraying?

