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Re: feedback wanted on reminder message

OK  to insure that the weekly reminder is actually read Mark has to send me a 
new joke once a week that will be added to the end of each reminder 
message :)


On Wednesday 17 January 2007 11:26 pm, Ender100@aol.com wrote:
> Gord,
> God bless ya for having the consideration to ask for feedback on your
> weekly list reminder message.
> I am sure you have gotten hundreds of private and public notes regarding
> your request—each offering excruciating, detailed evaluations of both the
> language and content of your weekly reminder.   I have very little to add
> to these learned commentaries.
> Obviously, you have spent quite a bit of time on crafting the message and
> have a variety of messages you would like to convey to list members both
> new and old.   I think the weekly reminder is a good thing to do and I am
> sure, from your experience running the list, you have pretty well honed
> what needs to be said.   So, I would only ask that you limit accepting any
> suggestions for changes to email received by you in the next 5 seconds.
> Let me also take this opportunity to say that I certainly appreciate the
> fact that you sponsor this list and bring together such a fantastic group
> of talented people from all over the world—providing a place where they can
> share ideas freely with little interference.   Though there are at times
> disagreements, usually those disagreements are limited to healthy, well
> intentioned, constructive debate.   Thanks!
> I must admit however that my mind did wonder a bit while pondering your
> weekly reminder and I fantasized a few possible additions and/or rules:
> 1.   Anyone who posts, must wait til at least 24 hours before responding to
> their own post—and then only one response is allowed.
> 2.   No one can join the list if they have invented a new alt process with
> the surname "REX," such as Jell-O-Type REX.
> 3.   No one is allowed to post in ALL CAPS.
> 4.   No more than the contents of two messages in a thread can be
> referenced in a post.
> 5.   All list members are to be supplied with an automatic DELETE key for
> their keyboard.
> 6.   All new applicants must be screened with an extensive battery of
> psychological test to assure that they have at least a fledgling sense of
> humor. 7.   No list member can claim to have "done extensive testing"
> unless they are willing to describe the extensive tests they performed.
> 8.   No list member can subscribe to the list from work if they plan to use
> an "out office auto-reply," unless they leave their cell phone number where
> they can be reached while on vacation.
> 9.   Political discussions should be limited to bashing the politicians
> that I don't like.
> 10.   The weekly reminder should end with "hehehehe."
> Best Wishes,
> Mark Nelson
> Precision Digital Negatives - The System
> PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups
> www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com

Gordon J. Holtslander		Dept. of Biology
gordon.holtslander@usask.ca	University of Saskatchewan
Tel 306 966-4433		112 Science Place
Fax 306 966-4462		Saskatoon SK., CANADA
homepage.usask.ca~gjh289		S7N 5E2