RE: Lithium palladium vs. "normal" palladium
Witho, So you'd say you were getting a longer richer tonal scale using 60%?
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Witho Worms []
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Lithium palladium vs. "normal" palladium
> Loris,
> I made a test using 40 and 60% Afo in the 2:1 ratio with LiPd. I had a
> 0.20
> better Dmax using 60%. Dmax and tonal scale for LiPd and Amonium Pd were
> the
> same with 60% (LiPd used with excess of water).
> Witho
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Loris Medici []
> Verzonden: donderdag 18 januari 2007 15:11
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: RE: Lithium palladium vs. "normal" palladium
> Hi Camden,
> Let me remind you that the sample calculation I did for you was for
> 60% AFO sensitizer. The norm is to use around 40-45%. Therefore the
> amnt. of corresponding Li2[PdCl4] solution will increase if you use
> 45% AFO instead of 60%.
> 45% AFO = 450g + water to make 1000ml
> 450 / 428.067 = 1.05M
> Again, since molar ratio of AFO to Li2[PdCl4] should be 2:1 then you
> need 1.05 / 2 = 0.52M Li2[PdCl4].
> Remember that 2 Mole LiCl + 1 Mole PdCl2 gives 1 Mole Li2[PdCl4]. This
> means:
> (a) 0.52 * 177.33 (1) = 92.2116 + water to make 1000ml = 9.22%
> (b) 25g / 9.22% ~= 270ml
> Notes:
> (1) Molar mass of PdCl2
> (a) Finding the solution % of 0.52M PdCl2
> (b) Interpolating the % found in (a) to calculate the final 0.52M
> Li2[PdCl4] solution volume.
> In short, if you have 25g PdCl2 and
> a) you're going to use 60% AFO, then you can mix ~200ml of LiPd metal
> solution
> b) you're going to use 45% AFO, then you can mix ~271ml of LiPd metal
> solution
> Since I use 40% AFO with good results (ask Sandy), there's no need to
> go for 60%.
> Hope this helps (and is good news to you),
> Regards,
> Loris.
> P.S. Refer to my first message to find out how much LiCl and/or
> (NH4)Cl you need. The amounts won't change since your PdCl2 amnt.
> hasn't changed. You're just changing the final solution volume / the
> water you add...
> ---------- Quoting Camden Hardy ----------
> Loris,
> Thanks for spelling this out for me. Most of this chemistry talk is a
> little over my head (I should have paid more attention in those chemistry
> classes...), but seeing some numbers in there really helped. :)
> I think my confusion on this matter is finally starting to clear up (we'll
> see how long this "clarity" lasts, hehe). Thanks to those who attempted
> to explain this stuff to me, on- and off-list.