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RE: Question about Masa paper


The paper I have matches the description:

"...Used as an inexpensive sumi, printmaking, marbling and fine
letterpress paper, Masa is a soft, white paper with the traditional
absorbency and feel of handmade Japanese papers. Machine-made in Japan
from sulphite, it is internally and surface-sized..."

It's very smooth and almost shiny on one side and finely textured /
fibrous on the other side (also matte).

The paper may remain in water for 24 hours without falling apart (yes, I
forgot few sheets in water...) and it's quite absorbent; I had to use
about 66% - 25% more sensitizer per same area when compared to other

Printing multilayer gum on it? Not an endeavor for the faint-hearted...

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Katharine Thayer [mailto:kthayer@pacifier.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:23 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Question about Masa paper


The Masa paper I have, seems somewhere in between.  It's soft and  
fuzzy (nappy) on one side, and hard (not waxed, really, but smooth)  
on the other side, and the paper is about the thickness of typing  
paper.   So I'm curious, Loris, is the Masa paper you've printed  
cyanotype on anything like this?  I'm asking because if my paper is  
outdated, there's no point in perfecting printing on it.  Thanks,