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Re: Uranium Nitrate- a few comments

Bob, that was fabulous -- I read every word, I loved every sentence, I understood every 4th or 5th sentence.... and now I'm going to go lie down, or eat a bar of chocolate.


Finally I know that "Keepers of Light" says uranium toning is fugitive and color changes will occur with time but none of my uranium toned prints and uranotypes have changed any. Doesn't "Keepers" make a similar statement about cyanotype? Doesn't "Keepers"
also tell us to coat under a yellow "bug" light. One more thin, uranium metal is very dense. I have read that the military has been using depleated (lacking U235) uranium to make bullets since it would have greater penetrating power than lead.
You left out the best one. Keepers of Light gives us the.... YES YES YES -- the wonderful, essential, silly-ass (please don't put me off the list for bad language) GUM PIGMENT RATIO TEST !!!

OK, That's all folks.
P.S. I do seem to like toxic and dangerous stuff. Maybe thats why I like women. ;-)
Now, come to think of it, speaking of dangerous women, I've still got my mother's uranium glaze on a loft over my bed.... You said about 10 years ago, get rid of it... (What are the symptoms of uranium poisoning? Memory loss? )

