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Re: "Macs just WORK" - Indeed they don't, or not for long

Oh wowowowowwww......... I had no idea what I was starting when I made
the comment that macs just work.  My own first computer was a Radio
Shack running Basic.  I think it had 4k of memory and I was SO excited
when I upgraded it to 16K.  :o)

Well, for whatever it's worth, I promise to never mention Macs and PCs
again.  I was going to write that a bunch of times, like I was writing
it on a blackboard for punishment, but it appears my PC is starting up
its antivirus scan which sloooooows everthing down to a crawl for the
next 10 minutes or so, so I'll just sign off...

to quote Mark, "hehehehehe".


On 2/12/07, SteveS <sgshiya@redshift.com> wrote:
Well, for me writing using Word Perfect was based on their patent claim:
"From keyboard to the screen, word perfect."  THEN!  They included a
conversion table!  So my WP 8 has a conversion to almost any program, from
almost any program.

my 2 cents

----- Original Message -----
From: "Judy Seigel" <jseigel@panix.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: "Macs just WORK" - Indeed they don't, or not for long

> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Ender100@aol.com wrote:
>> pssssst psssst hey bob.... I have been using Microsoft Word on the Mac
>> for
>> YEARS...... haven't you heard?   There is a Mac version! hehehehehe
> Oh yeah, Word 5.1 was the perfect program, but they have to sell upgrades
> every year... 6.5 was the program from hell, & I peeled off.  I kept 5.1
> on a partition, but it got too tricky... my G-4 spooked the partitions...
> But then I discovered that the word processor in Pagemaker worked like a
> charm... all the functions of word 5.1 plus page layout when you wanted
> it.  HOWEVER, because the world is full of the brain dead, Pagemaker got
> swamped by Quark, & when I need to send a file to a printer or resurrect
> an old file to reprint an early Post-Factory -- Pagemaker & its fonts are
> declared OBSOLETE. I have to make PDFs for the printer... but the moment I
> turn my back, G-4 uninstalls all my fonts, so making the *&^%$#$%^&*(+@*
> PDFs is hell.
> Partly it's payback for keeping system 9 in a partition --what the
> brainiacs at Apple call "classic," but which was I'd bet never out of
> beta, just a ploy to get us to "upgrade" and take X. People say they like
> X better, I won't torture you with its shortcomings.... except to say I
> have $10,000 worth of peripherals that won't work on 10 & don't like the
> substitute hardware or programs at any price.  But I've said this before.
> As for "stable" -- I had several months of crash-a-minute until the
> trouble was traced to a dying keyboard. Did I mention that no keyboards
> are made that do 9 any more? Apple said "try E-Bay."  I got one that a
> kind techy explained would do both 9 & 10 except it won't open the disk
> drawer (did I mention planned obsolescence, the s--ts?). I have a "secret"
> way of opening the CD drawer.... but then the mouse died, and no mice do 9
> AND 10 any more, except the NYU computer store had misfit that will (also,
> BTW, Microsoft)... as long as it lasts. (Maybe I should get a spare ?)
> Which is to say, I prefer to choose my programs, not have them shoved down
> my throat. That's not in their plan.
> Judy

Susan Daly Voss