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Re: 1,2,3... ou dela colle de pate...

Quoting Bill William <iodideshi@yahoo.co.jp>:

> 1.
> Can someone tell me  how "ou dela colle de pate..."
> translates into English ?

"or of the adhesive paste"

> I am having trouble... with a few more lines if anyone
> feels up to it, I could use some help, (either on or off
> list)/Thanks:
> 2.
> pour photocopies a ete propsee par.... 

"for photocopies was proposed by"

> 2a.
> How would one translate "photocopies" here?

Can't help there.  Could be "photocopies", as we use the word in English, or 
perhaps "prints", as you speculate.  More context might help.

> I think it would be "prints" but perhaps someone has a
> better idea?

I'll defer to the native French speakers on that.

> 2b.
> What does the "a ete" mean?

"was" (literally "has been")

> ---
> 3a.
>  "...en meme temps que l,emulsion a coton poudre."

"at the same time as the cotton powder emulsion."

> Something about time and collodion I presume, but what
> exactly? 
> 3b.
> "...ce n,est qu,en 1900 que Rene
> fit connaitre un moyen de produire une emulsion au
> gelatinobromure d,Argent."
> "...fit connaitre un moyen de produire" is the part I cant
> figure out.

"made known a method of producing"

Hope this is helpful.
