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Re: solarplate images up on my website

SusanV wrote:
First of all... I did use talc, but I put it on the plate before the
screen exposure, then didn't "re-dust" it right before the image
exposure.  Today I will try only using it before the image exp..
Yeah, it's nice not to get powder on the screen, which then becomes another maintenance issue...
2. my OHP positive was only 30 minutes old... I wonder if that's
relevant?  Maybe still too fresh, and "sticky" although not enough to
smear with normal handling.
Not sure, but it probably doesn't help. I've printed transparencies that were days old and had similar problems.

3. Maybe the plate would benefit from removing the acetate, and
letting it dry out a bit?  Of course it would have to be dust free...
maybe turned upside down and suspended in my anti-gravity machine. :o)

Desperate minds think alike -- I've set out a large plate last night in my paper safe and will be testing that this afternoon too!

Heading to Home Depot today to get materials to make a frame for the
Krene plastic, which may help me judge contact issues...

lastly... I will do that "virgin plate" test today and see what happens...

The virgin plate test should work with glass as well as krene I would think. Maybe try both.