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Re: Heat-toning salt prints?

OOh man oh man,
I am at a hotel in Key Largo that charges $10 per day
internet use so I am gonna get my money's worth today,

Sandy, I exposed salt for 6 minutes or less UVBL and it was
fine, in fact, I felt it was speedier than other processes I
tried.  I also was impressed at the beauty and detail of the
process.  I bought a kit from Photographer's Formulary and I
can't remember if it had the ammonium chloride salt or not
in it, but it was a pretty stupendous process IMHO.  The
tonal range of salt rivaled pt/pd--in fact, is called Poor
Man's Platinum if I remember correctly.

As far as staining, that was so paper specific, and one had
to be sure to coat only the front or anomalies occurred--so
i brush coated the salting solution on the front--no laying
on top of the salt bath or anything.

----- Original Message Follows -----
From: Sandy King <sanking@clemson.edu>
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Heat-toning salt prints?
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:12:36 -0400

>There are chapters on salted paper in John Barnier's Coming
>into  Focus, Christopher James' The Book of Alternative
>Photographic  Processes and in Richard Farber's Historic
>Photographic Processes.
>There is also an article here: 
>I experimented with salted paper some years ago but never
>completely  solved the staining issue. Also, salted paper
>printing requires a  very powerful light source and I found
>that the sun worked much  better than a bank of BL tubes.
>Sandy King
>At 9:56 PM -0400 3/11/07, Joseph Smigiel wrote:
>>On Mar 11, 2007, at 8:41 PM, richard jones wrote:
>>>also, anyone know of any books dedicated to the salt
>>printing process? ...
>>James Reilly, "The Albumen and Salted Paper Book" online

Assistant Professor of Photography
Photography Option Coordinator
Montana State University
College of Arts and Architecture
Department of Media and Theatre Arts, Room 220
P.O. Box 173350
Bozeman, MT 59717-3350
Tel (406) 994 6219