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Re: Cutting polymer plates


I cut mine by hand, using a straight edge and heavy duty Stanley utility knife. They're harder to cut than the Solarplates unfortunately. It takes me about 10-12 passes to score the plate to a point where it can be flexed easily enough to snap off without bending. The piece that's not held down will start to rise a little, which is a good indication it will snap cleanly. After that, I use a fine file or sandpaper to smooth the edges and corners.


On Mar 12, 2007, at 7:53 AM, SusanV wrote:

Jon, Keith, Chris and all,

I need help cutting these plates. I bought a supposedly heavy duty
paper cutter, but it bends the edge of the plate (the edge of the
piece that falls off the bed of the cutter). It also doesn't cut the
plates very easily. It was what was available locally at Staples, and
"only" cost $65. I know that's not much as these blasted things go.

Do your cutters slice through the plates easily? Do they bend the plates?

Do I need to return this cutter and get a better one?


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