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Re: Alternative to Epson 3800

  • To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
  • Subject: Re: Alternative to Epson 3800
  • From: SusanV <susanvoss3@gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:35:07 -0400
  • Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
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  • In-reply-to: <B68B5FFA-110E-4887-9764-983E98EEC3E6@pacifier.com>
  • List-id: alt-photo-process mailing list <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
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  • Reply-to: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca


I have a 1280, and have found this link very helpful...

Scroll down the page to the instructions by Denny.

I cleaned the bottom of the printhead assembly based on his
instructions, and got a lot of crud off of them.  This was after
having done a couple of "head cleaning" cycles.  It didn't harm my
printer at all.

And now I am religious about keeping a dust cover on it!  ( I was
baaad about that before I cleaned all the inked dust bunnies off the
bottom of the printhead ).


On 3/14/07, Katharine Thayer <kthayer@pacifier.com> wrote:
George, I'd echo the recommendation on the 1280, but I'm not sure why
you wouldn't just buy a new one, since mine, which I bought a little
more than a year ago,  wasn't all that expensive, around $200.  This
was my printer of choice even though I would have bought a more
expensive one had I thought a more expensive one was better for my
needs.   I didn't want the slower-drying pigmented inks;  my only use
for the printer is digital negatives.   I had expected to order the
1280 from Epson, thinking that retail stores wouldn't be stocking
such an old printer, but when I went to buy a Mac G5, I mentioned to
the salesperson at the Mac store  that I was planning to buy an Epson
1280 for a printer, and it turned out they had them in stock, for
significantly less than the Epson price.   So it might pay to check

I'm very happy with the 1280, except that I have  problems with
clogged nozzles that I never had with my ancient Photo Stylus EX.  I
just have to remember to turn it off when I'm not expecting to use it
for a few days.  It makes great negatives for gum (so far, knock on
wood, no banding, or at least only the kind of banding that can be
remedied by running a cleaning cycle (or three or four).


On Mar 13, 2007, at 1:46 PM, Sandy King wrote:

> George,
> If price is a consideration you might want to look at a used or
> refurbished Epson 1280 or 2200. Both of these printers have a good
> reputation for making good digital negatives. The 1280 is in fact
> still available new at the Epson web site in spite of the fact that
> it has been on the market longer than  any current printer. I have
> the 2200 and have been very satisfied with it for printing in
> carbon, kallitype and pt./pd.
> In the less than $600 range, (street price), look at the Epson
> R1800 and the HP B9180.
> I have assume you want at least a 13" wide printer. If not, there
> are other much less expensive alternatives.
> Sandy
> At 2:02 PM -0700 3/13/07, George L Smyth wrote:
>> I am looking for a printer that will allow me to create digital
>> negatives, but
>> $1,300 for an Epson 3800 (plus 9 ink cartridges at $14 each) is
>> more than a
>> little out of my range.
>> Any affordable suggestions for such a printer?
>> Cheers -
>> george
>> -------------------------------------
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gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
website www.dalyvoss.com