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"Dick Stevens' book."

On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, Sandy King wrote:

If the subject is kallitype you won't find anything in Dick Steven' book about sodium citrate as a developer. He did his research quite a long time
And just as well. It so happened I was testing kallitype about the time Stevens' book surfaced,... and besides what my tests showed, his confusion, disorganization, errors and contradictions were such that I wouldn't trust that book if it told me the pope was catholic.

Yes, it was a long time ago, so I don't recall many particulars, but among the unforgettable was his announcement that such and such condition or material would look blue if acid, and a few pages later, same thing would look red.

If that were the only gross error (which it wasn't), still, the general cockamamie "organization" (or more precisely disorganization) was such that even without errors the presentation would cause brain damage. And
even without brain damage (say, the reader was wearing her teflon space helmet) the exercise would be counterproductive. Some folks, like Sandy,
could take it in stride, probably ward it off on autopilot, but that doesn't mean it's OK to let loose on the general public.

As I recall, BTW, I wrote this to the list about 10 years ago, in my youth, when I remembered more particulars -- tho OK, how about: the book opens with a long painstaking detailed chapter about a formula/method/technique at the end of which the author announced that the method wasn't any good so never mind.

An "editor" with an IQ above minus 2 would have told him, if you feel the need to tell this story (padding? boasting?), that's an appendix, not an entire first chapter. Surely I'm not the only one with limited time and energy. That bogus first chapter was theft of both.

